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Ikea pretties and rainy days

Peaches & Maple: Ikea pretties and rainy days

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Ikea pretties and rainy days

 I woke up this morning to rain absolutely thundering down on the roof and my first instinct was to stay snuggled up in bed. But then I remembered that I had lunches to make, washing to do, a house to clean, ho hum...happy freaking Monday ;)
So today I really wanted to show you our living room shuffle that took place over the weekend, including our new addition...which some of you have guessed correctly as being a chair. However, as the weather has decided to cast it's gloomy shadow on us and make the lighting slightly less than favourable for taking a half decent photo, I decided to leave it until the sun sees fit to grace us with it's presence again. 
Since my new chair comes from that magical blue land of convenient flat-packaging and goodie-filled market hall, that is indeed where I spent my Saturday morning.
To be honest, I didn't really enjoy my trip to Ikea this time as, being a Saturday, it was packed to the rafters and people were walking in that meandering, cattle-like fashion that humans tend to adopt when in browsing mode. Normally I'm completely cool with that, usually I am the queen of cattle-like meandering, but I was just hell bent on getting my lovely new chair and scooting out of there as quickly as possible so I could get it home and start rearranging the living room.
But as I was forced to meander a little bit between bursts of power walking and crowd dodging, I thought I'd best pick up a couple of pretties while I was there.
 Have a great day everybunny! I'm taking advantage of the wet weather today and staying snugly indoors to undertake a bit of a crafty endeavour that I've been tossing around in my brain for a while. Be back soon to show you how it works out....maybe ;)
Cas x


At Sunday, February 17, 2013 , Blogger Unknown said...

You're a brave girl going to IKEA on a Saturday. I can't stand the crowds. Glad you got your chair.

At Sunday, February 17, 2013 , Blogger beachcomber said...

beautiful shots! your blog is not showing up on my blog roll for some reason.

At Sunday, February 17, 2013 , Blogger Unknown said...

Oh it was awful! Never, ever doing a Saturday trip again lol
Cas x

At Sunday, February 17, 2013 , Blogger vintagemovement said...

Ok so those gorgeous lace edged pots are ikea buys... I am going there this week - lovely treasures Cas! Brilliant pics - I so need a new camera! xx Tina


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